24. Apr. 2014: Off the Wall
22. Apr. 2010: Thai Style
02. Apr. 2009: Togetherness
16. Feb. 2009: Iconoclash
24. Nov. 2008: Wonder Walls
11. Aug. 2008: Bloopers

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02. Apr. 2009

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Togetherness Rating: 4.1/5 (70 votes cast)

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We live in a world where we are more connected than ever before through technology like the internet and mobile phones; but studies at Stanford University show that the more time people spend on the internet, the less time they spend with their social connections in person. Join our hostess, Jennifer Castoldi, as she explores how the latest furnishings are bringing people together. Designers around the world are encouraging people to get closer, whether they be friends, family, neighbors, or complete strangers. Sit back, relax, watch this episode, and then shut down your computer and go hug somebody! Be connected on and off-line. Celebrate togetherness!

At the time of airing, these products represent a selection from the 32,251 images found within www.Trendease.com.

Episode Sponsor:

Faire Sa Deco

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Comment by Hanna Rumpunen 03. Apr. 2009
Good & Warm idea/trend to give a functional forms to get together again!
Comment by Jennifer Cattaui 03. Apr. 2009
Great episode & interesting trend. I especially loved the parent-child bonding bench & the fence-see saw!
Comment by Jennifer Castoldi 02. Apr. 2009
A special thank you to Sylvia Rielle for my wardrobe and Joel Mitchell for his support!