Heimtextil Trends 2009/2010
19. Jan. 2009
The new Heimtextil Trend Table asks us to go beyond our imaginations and expect the unexpected for 2009/2010. During the fair, which ran January 14-17, 2009, the collaborators envisioned six fresh trends: Illusionist, Time Traveller, Fortune Teller, Alchemist, Witchcraft, and Enchanted. Join our host Jennifer Castoldi as she takes you back to the future through an adventure full of moving walls, barking dogs, fragmented architecture, merging cultures, and an ever-changing art installation. All of this brings inspiration into the world of international textiles for the following years. “Accept the unexpected.”
Don't see the video above? Click The new Heimtextil Trend Table asks us to go beyond our imaginations and expect the unexpected for 2009/2010. During the fair, which ran January 14-17, 2009, the collaborators envisioned six fresh trends: Illusionist, Time Traveller, Fortune Teller, Alchemist, Witchcraft, and Enchanted. Join our host Jennifer Castoldi as she takes you back to the future through an adventure full of moving walls, barking dogs, fragmented architecture, merging cultures, and an ever-changing art installation. All of this brings inspiration into the world of international textiles for the following years. “Accept the unexpected.”
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Thank you, excellent work. Should be continue. Congratulations.
Good job !