24. Apr. 2014: Off the Wall
22. Apr. 2010: Thai Style
02. Apr. 2009: Togetherness
16. Feb. 2009: Iconoclash
24. Nov. 2008: Wonder Walls
11. Aug. 2008: Bloopers

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Follow me to MoOD

23. Aug. 2011

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Put on some comfy shoes and get ready for the tour! The 2011 edition of Meet only Original Designs—MoOD for short—is just around the corner, Sept. 13-15. This is the specialized international exhibition for upholstery, window and wall coverings where visitors can meet and buy novel creations directly from the producers. Innovation and forward-thinking are key elements to be found here in the contract and residential categories. Follow us to MoOD where you will find design studios, spinning mills, the influential Innovation Platform featuring the Flemish Masters, the Inspiration Zone with the 2012/13 trends and Blue Drop selection, as well as the growing outdoor market. Members of the industry, this is not to be missed!

MoOD is one of 100+ design events Trendease attends each year. Subscribers to www.trendease.com can see detailed MoOD 2010 coverage here. Remember MoOD is more than 3 days per year; it is 365 days of inspiration at MooodBrussels.com.

Episode Sponsor:

Meet only Original Designs

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Comment by Emilie 23. Aug. 2011

Amazing!!! Love it!