24. Apr. 2014: Off the Wall
22. Apr. 2010: Thai Style
02. Apr. 2009: Togetherness
16. Feb. 2009: Iconoclash
24. Nov. 2008: Wonder Walls
11. Aug. 2008: Bloopers

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Leading Edge Crenovations

05. Oct. 2010

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Leading Edge Crenovations Rating: 4.8/5 (47 votes cast)

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In this episode Jennifer speaks with four industry experts who show us their latest crenovations. What is a “crenovation” you may wonder? It is when science and design are married together through creativity and innovation. Discover enlightening photo luminescent fabric, unbelievable cork waste made anew with rubber from sneakers, hologram textiles, outdoor sheers, and eco-friendly/weather resistant upholstery, plus much more! Fly around the trade floor, swooshing through the Innovation Platform, Trend Sample Bank, Blue Drop Bub, and all the major highlights from MooD Brussels 2010!

MoOD is one of 100+ design events Trendease attends each year. Subscribers to www.trendease.com can see detailed MoOD 2010 coverage here. Remember MoOD is more than 3 days per year; it is 365 days of inspiration at MooodBrussels.com.

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Comment by Chuck Delpapa 06. Oct. 2010

Your videos are getting better and better--The information has always been excellent, but the editing, photography and commentary are becoming more professional! Thanks for sharing!