24. Apr. 2014: Off the Wall
22. Apr. 2010: Thai Style
02. Apr. 2009: Togetherness
16. Feb. 2009: Iconoclash
24. Nov. 2008: Wonder Walls
11. Aug. 2008: Bloopers

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11. Aug. 2008

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Bloopers Rating: 4.2/5 (64 votes cast)

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This August many people are on vacation, including our co-producers. But we didn’t want to leave you without your monthly Trendease DesignVision fix! We will soon air our 15th episode, and boy have there been some entertaining moments behind the scenes while we have been filming. The reels contain a fair amount of bloopers, and we thought it only right to share some of the laughter with you. It’s even worth a watch to see our lovely hostess, Jennifer Castoldi, make a fool of herself – gracefully of course!

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Comment by Michael 12. Aug. 2009

Hilarious !!! Great Job Jennifer !

Comment by B Smith 12. Aug. 2009

I was laughing out loud watching this. Great job Jennifer!

Comment by CJP 12. Aug. 2009

I do prefer beer cold, although I've had it warmed in Poland. And no, I have not been to the beach recently.

Comment by Clemens 12. Aug. 2009

I almost spilled my coffee giggling... Lovely idea with the bloopers!

Comment by Blaise 12. Aug. 2009
"I'm just gonna skip the whole cozy thing..." You're crazy ;)
Comment by diane 11. Aug. 2009

hahaha, jen! very cute!